#10: Balancing Trust as a Police Insider AND Outsider


With the public discussion of police misconduct and lack of trust at a fever pitch, the loudest voices often dominate. We need the insight of a person with the experience of a police officer, with deep knowledge of the law and social science, and with the oral and verbal skills of a great public communicator. Enter this week's guest.

Seth Stoughton is a former police officer and a current Assistant Professor of Law at the University of South Carolina School of Law.

“You could probably figure out how many radishes were imported into the United States last year, but you can’t figure out how many times officers pulled their triggers. That’s really embarrassing.”


Stoughton spoke to NPR about data initiatives that would force better police transparency and said it's "misleading" to compare the number of police officers killed year over year. More on the latter here.

He also told the New York Times that body cameras could increase transparency but argued a camera's point of view is almost as vital as the footage it takes. Check out his videos here.

And #spoileralert: This week's "Lawyers Behaving Badly" nods its cap to the Orange County Register and... wait for it... Dr. Phil.